Vox Humana

Vox HumanaDispatches from Our World

Vox Humana has a mission of documenting the world one voice at a time. This project archives and shares the personal stories of individuals from all reaches of the planet. It is a digital publication dedicated to fostering a sense of world community by focusing on the personal experiences of everyday people.

Vox Humana aims to promote a greater understanding and appreciation of disparate communities, cultures, races, and creeds. It aspires to show that no matter how unique a person’s life is on the other side of the globe, the contributor is, in so many ways, no different from the reader.

Vox Humana is a publication for and by the people. Instead of employing professional writers and photographers, Vox Humana shares submissions from the person on the street. Vox Humana is interested in the unadulterated perspective of the everyday man, woman, or child living in whatever corner of the planet they call home.

To read personal stories from people across the world, visit http://voxhumana.com.