Kibera House of Friends

kibera-house3-smThe Kibera House of Friends in Kenya is where international volunteers can stay and connect with youth projects all over East Africa. It is operated by the Child Wellness Fund and was founded by Jamey Ponte, who also runs TEDxLemek in the Maasai Mara.

Projects that Kibera House of Friends volunteers may participate in include:

  • Helping preserve Kenya’s wildlife and delicate ecosystem
  • Ending poaching of Kenya’s endangered animals
  • Fostering safe drinking water
  • Providing essential medical services
  • Promoting the arts
  • Sustaining Kenya’s rich indigenous culture
  • Educating youth
  • Operating rescue centers
  • Supporting orphanages
  • And more…

Please contact us if interested in being a guest at the Kibera House of Friends in Kenya.

kibera-house9-sm Kibera House of Friends

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kibera-house8-sm Photos by Berkley Bedell.