
Child Wellness Fund has a history of more than fifteen years of serving the community with projects that others are not interested in tackling. Our focus has been on what we call “true collaborations”—efforts to engage the entire community to create a better quality of life for children and their entire families. We have aimed for the inclusion of all kids—typical, behaviorally challenged, and medically fragile ones—in childcare settings to create a better quality of care within the center or “medical home” and to naturally allow for a mix of incomes and cultures.

Today, Child Wellness Fund has grown into an organization that encompasses a diverse array of programs, all with a goal of providing a better quality of life for children and families.  From families struggling to obtain bare necessities to entrepreneurial initiatives for women who have overcome the most adverse of circumstances, the reach of our compassion and work stretches far and wide.

We focus on “true collaborations.” That is, we strive to empower communities to take responsibility for their children and families and to help them achieve a better quality of life. One organization can do only so much; but by investing in collective efforts, the effects of our work are amplified into a much greater good.

> Read more about Child Wellness Fund.